Welcome to my blog, and thank you for taking the time to visit! It’s been quite the journey to get here, and I’m excited to share a bit about myself and my story with you.

After spending some time working with various fashion blogs in my previous job, I realized that I wanted to create something of my own. While there were plenty of fantastic blogs out there, I found myself drawn to the ones that felt authentic and genuine, offering a true glimpse into the lives of the creators.

Three years ago, I took the leap and turned my passion for fashion into my full-time job. It wasn’t always easy, especially after welcoming my son, Mark, into the world in January 2015. Suddenly, I found myself juggling the responsibilities of motherhood with running my own business. But with the support of my partner, Thomas, I was able to find a balance that allowed me to pursue my dreams while also being the best mom I could be.

In October 2016, our family grew once again with the arrival of our daughter, Patricia. As I navigated the challenges of being a new mom for the second time, my blog evolved to include content aimed at other mothers-to-be. It was incredibly rewarding to connect with other women on similar journeys and offer them advice and support.

As life continued to unfold, I found myself faced with new opportunities and experiences. A move to Miami brought with it a whole new set of adventures, as well as requests for fashion advice and assistance with special events like weddings and bachelorette parties. It was during this time that I realized just how much my blog had become a part of not only my life but also the lives of so many incredible women.

Living and working in Miami has been an incredible experience, both personally and professionally. As a blogger, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with some of my favorite brands and designers, allowing me to expand my business in ways I never thought possible. However, throughout it all, my core values and ethics remain unchanged.

For me, authenticity is key. While collaborating with brands helps me to support my family and indulge in my love for designer shoes, I refuse to compromise my integrity for the sake of profit. If there’s no genuine connection between myself and a brand, then it’s simply not worth pursuing.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of my amazing readers. Your enthusiasm and engagement have been a constant source of motivation for me, and I am incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. As I look to the future, I welcome your feedback and suggestions for how I can continue to improve and grow.

Whether you’re looking for fashion inspiration, parenting advice, or simply a glimpse into my everyday life, I hope that my blog continues to serve as a source of inspiration and connection for years to come. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing many more adventures with you in the future!

Warmest regards,
