To enhance your browsing experience and provide improved products and services, our website utilizes cookies and other technologies. Cookies, small files transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser, allow our systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. For example, cookies assist in remembering and processing items in your shopping cart and understanding your preferences based on previous or current site activity.

Understanding Cookies

Cookies fall into several categories, each serving a specific purpose:

Strictly Necessary Cookies

These cookies are vital for the functionality of our site, allowing you to utilize our services. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to access requested services or log in.

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies gather information about visitor usage of our services, such as visit frequency and traffic patterns, enabling us to enhance site performance. This data is collected anonymously and solely for the purpose of improving our services.

Functional Cookies

Functional cookies enable our site to recall certain information, like your username or language preferences, providing personalized functionality. This information remains anonymous and aids in enhancing your browsing experience by remembering your selected options.

Targeting Cookies

Targeting cookies, set through our site, deliver relevant advertisements on other platforms based on your interests and browsing habits. This data may be shared with advertisers and third parties to tailor ads to your activities. Additionally, we utilize this information to monitor ad frequency and prevent repetitive displays.

Our Use of Cookies

We employ cookies to:

  1. Understand and Save Preferences: Cookies remember your preferences for future visits, ensuring a seamless browsing experience tailored to your needs.
  2. Compile Aggregate Data: By compiling data on site traffic and interactions, we aim to enhance future site experiences and tools. Trusted third-party services may also assist in tracking this information on our behalf.

By clicking “Accept All Cookies,” you consent to the storing of cookies on your device to improve site navigation, analyze usage, and assist in marketing efforts. If you wish to manage your cookie preferences or opt-out of certain cookies, you can do so through our Cookie Settings.

We value your privacy and strive to provide transparency regarding our cookie usage. For more information, please review our Privacy Policy. Thank you for choosing to explore our website, where we prioritize both your browsing experience and privacy preferences.